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Accreditation by BAR

Accreditation by BAR

About BAR-UK :

British Accreditation Registrar (UK) is the non-government accreditation body based in London, Great Britain, responsible for providing accreditation of conformity assessment bodies (CABs) in the fields of certification and inspection. Accreditation by BAR-UK demonstrates the competence and independence of these CABs.

BAR-UK is a signatory to a number of bilateral, regional and international agreements. These agreements provide international recognition and acceptance of BAR-UK accredited certificates and inspection reports.

Accreditation is an endorsement of a conformity assessment body’s (CAB's) competence, credibility, independence and integrity in carrying out its conformity assessment activities.

In everyday language the terms accreditation and certification are often used interchangeably. In the conformity assessment industry however, these terms have very different and specific meanings.

ISO’s formal definition of accreditation is “third party attestation related to a conformity assessment body conveying formal demonstration of its competence to carry out specific conformity assessment tasks.” (ISO/ IEC 17000:2004).

Certification is "third party attestation related to products, processes, systems or persons." (ISO/ IEC 17000:2004).

BAR-UK only accredits organisations who provide certification and/ or inspection services. These organisations are known as Conformity Assessment Bodies (or CABs).

A focus of these organisations are agreements, often referred to as Multilateral Recognition Agreements (MLAs) or multilateral Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRAs), that signatories will recognise one another's accredited certificates and inspection reports. The benefit of this recognition is that it reduces the potential for re-certification or re-inspection when products and services move from one country to another.

BAR-UK accredited CABs offering services in the areas of various Management Systems’ fields, products are entitled to use BAR-UKF mark on corporate material such as letterheads, accredited certificates, quotations for work, advertisements, websites and other documents.

Accreditation Schemes :  ( Download Accreditation Certificate )

BAR-UK Accreditation verifies the certification body/registrar’s competence. To fulfil the accreditation criteria, an accrediting authority assesses the certification body/registrar. This is to verify that the certification body/registrar complies with existing requirements. This is the authorities’ way of auditing the auditors (certification bodies/registrars like Euro Veritas). Euro Veritas is accredited for ISO 17021 for the following schemes :

   Subject of Schemes :

   ISO 9001:2008

   ISO 9001:2015

   ISO 14001:2004

   ISO 14001:2015

   ISO 45001:2018

   ISO 13485:2016

   ISO 22000:2005



   ISO 20000-1:2011

   ISO 27001:2013



   Social responsibility Management Series (in compliance to SA 8000)

Euro Veritas is an independent Certification Board, accreditated from BAR-UK for ISO 17065 for issuing CE Marking & RoHS compliance certificates and other Compliance Certification schemes, individually operated for the following EU directives. Please contact at info@eurocertregistrars.com for more info.

Reference of directive/regulation Subject of directive/regulation
2000/9/EC Cableway installations
(EC) 1907/2006 Chemical substances (REACH)
89/106/EEC Construction products (CPD)
(EU) 305/2011 Construction products (CPR)
(EC) 1223/2009 Cosmetics
92/42/EEC Ecodesign – hot-water boilers
2010/30/EU Ecodesign and energy labelling
2009/125/EC Ecodesign and energy labelling
Ecodesign and energy labelling Eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS)
2004/108/EC Electromagnetic compatability (EMC)
94/9/EC Equipment for explosive atmospheres (ATEX)
93/15/EEC Explosives for civil uses
2009/142/EC Gas appliances (GAD)
2009/128/EC Inspection of pesticide application equipment
95/16/EC Lifts
2006/95/EC Low Voltage (LVD)
2006/42/EC Machinery (MD)
2004/22/EC Measuring instruments (MID)
93/42/EEC Medical devices (MDD)
90/385/EEC Medical devices: active implantable
98/79/EC Medical devices: in vitro diagnostic
(EC) 765/2008 New legislative framework (NLF)
2009/23/EC Non-automatic weighing instruments (NAWI)
94/62/EC Packaging and packaging waste
89/686/EEC Personal protective equipment (PPE)
97/23/EC Pressure equipment (PED)
2007/23/EC Pyrotechnic articles
1999/5/EC Radio and telecommunications terminal equipment (RTTE)
2008/57/EC Rail system: interoperability
94/25/EC Recreational craft
2011/65/EU Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances (RoHS)
2009/105/EC Simple Pressure Vessels
2009/48/EC Toys safety

Euro Veritas has implemented a system compliant with the requirements of ISO 17020 as an Inspection Body and has henceforth been accreditated from BAR-UK for the following schemes :

Subject of Schemes :
Cableway installations
Chemical substances (REACH)
Construction products (CPD)
Construction products (CPR)
Ecodesign – hot-water boilers
Ecodesign and energy labelling
Ecodesign and energy labelling
Eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS)
Electromagnetic compatability (EMC)
Equipment for explosive atmospheres (ATEX)
Explosives for civil uses
Gas appliances (GAD)
Inspection of pesticide application equipment
Low Voltage (LVD)
Machinery (MD)
Measuring instruments (MID)
Medical devices (MDD)
Medical devices: active implantable
Medical devices: in vitro diagnostic
New legislative framework (NLF)
Non-automatic weighing instruments (NAWI)
Packaging and packaging waste
Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Pressure equipment (PED)
Pyrotechnic articles
Radio and telecommunications terminal equipment (RTTE)
Rail system: interoperability
Recreational craft
Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances (RoHS)
Simple Pressure Vessels
Toys safety

Euro Veritas has implemented a system compliant with the requirements of ISO 17024 as a Personnel Certification Body and has henceforth been accreditated from BAR-UK for the following schemes :

Subject of Schemes :
Internal Auditor- for various Management Standards like ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001:2018, ISO 22000, HACCP, ISO 20000-1, ISO 27001, ISO 13485 etc.
Lead Auditor- for various Management Standards like ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001:2018, ISO 22000, HACCP, ISO 20000-1, ISO 27001, ISO 13485 etc.
Six Sigma- Green Belt, Yellow Belt, Black Belt, Master Black Belt
5-S Management Principles
Various Management Soft Skills (list can be provided)

Benefits of being accredited to ISO 17021 for various System Standard Certifications:

Euro Veritas can proudly declare that it has fully implemented a Management System in compliance to the requirements of ISO 17021:2011, which further means translates into the following :

Each specified ISO/IEC 17021:2011 requirement is important, but according to the opinion of Euro Veritas management the crucial requirements of this standard are: resource requirements, process requirements and requirements for management system certification bodies. Resource requirements impose competence of management and personnel enabling management system certification. In the old version of the standard, ISO/IEC 17021:2006, most audits were incorporated in this requirement because market conditions called for a more detailed definition and familiarization with criteria for competence, knowledge and skills of a certification body personnel. There was a perceived need on the market for evaluation of the competence of personnel.

The input values should demonstrate the required level of competence (including administrative personnel), in evaluation processes, or even exceed it, for various audits and certification processes, in order to achieve the maximum results in the best possible way and to mutual satisfaction. Also, niceness and behaviour (being ethical, open-minded, tenacious, versatile, observant, diplomatic, collaborative, perceptive, decisive, self-reliant, professional, morally courageous and organized) are the determining factor whether a client will continue to make use of a certification body’s services, to develop confidence (assurance of quality) that a certification body satisfies the quality requirements, and to share his/her positive experience with other potential clients. Going beyond mere satisfaction of requirements means providing assurance in high quality of the services offered by certification body. One of the ways to act preventively is based upon our own as well as on others’ experience. Process requirements make it possible for us to relive that experience and by harmonizing our actions prevent mistakes from recurring. Benefiting from audits (Stage 1 and Stage 2 audit), surveillance activities, recertification, special audits, appeals, complaints, records, possible suspending, withdrawing or reducing the scope and object of audit, a certification body can make corrections (either in case of nonconformities of a client or in its own performances) and afterwards take corrective measures to identify the cause of the nonconformity that has occurred. The certification body would thereby be able to improve its performances, effect improvement and timely notify its client of potential problems/nonconformities. In that manner a high level of contentment of interested parties interests will be reached in the management system certification field.

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